How to Create cPanel Accounts in WHM Print

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This is a tutorial on how to create a cPanel account on your Reseller account.


In this tutorial, we will walk you through creating cPanel accounts within WHM. This allows you to manage and host separate cPanel accounts independent from one another.


Creating cPanel Accounts


1. Log in to WHM.


2. On the left-hand side menu go to the menu item "Account Information" and click on "List Accounts":


2. Click on "Create a New Account":


3. Fill in the fields on the Domain information page. Below is a description of the options (Please note that this is not an actual account and was created for the intentions of this tutorial):

Domain The primary domain name for the cPanel account.
Username Username for logging into the cPanel.
Password Password for logging into the cPanel.
Email Email address to receive cPanel account notifications.


4. Select the desired package from the dropdown:

Note: You can also change/select the Settings, Mail Routing Settings & DNS Settings during the setup process however you can skip this as these are preconfigured.


5. Click on the Create button.


Congratulations, now you know how to create a cPanel account within your Reseller account.


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